Here is this target's lightcurve before we made our observations, on 11 June 2009

And here it is on 19 June 2009, after we made our observations

The arrows on the graph point out what our group contributed are highlighted in this image. They are shown as blue dots (H- Faulkes North Telescope) and dark green dots (I- Faulkes South Telescope).
The other points on the lightcurve are from observations made by other groups using different telescopes from around the world. The different colour letters on the right hand side of the graph show which points came from which group or telescope. Here is a list of the groups/telescopes and the letter which represents it:
Surveys (groups):
Follow-up (Telescopes):
Z(Danish 1.54m)
A(SAAO 1.0m)
C(CTIO 1.3m)
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